Company Information

At H.T.I. Islamabad we have changed the way patients and the medical community thinks about hair transplantation. We have created methods which stir the senses and soothe the soul. As a leader in our field, we focus on continual improvement. Our research center is constantly developing, challenging and improving the strong surgical base we have created over the years. Our team is instructed to ignore tradition and think outside the box. We are always searching for a better way and Dr. Humayun Mohmand, supports and encourages that search.


We know that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. When you know what you want in life, head straight for it. Our philosophy in establishing and developing innovative surgical methods has followed this basic advice. We know that life is more interesting, exciting and fulfilling when you make choices which inspire you. We accept only the best and so should you. We embrace change. You reap the benefits from our commitment to this idea. Hair Transplant Institute Vision Why? Why bother to change what works? If you read the preceding portions about wigs and early surgical methods that question answers itself. At each stage of evolution in any process one critical function is self-examination and improvement of the process, whether through technical means - technological improvements, technique - by medical personnel, or artistic training and practice. A vision is only as good as the visionary. If dreaming is all you do you will never achieve. The reason our methods of hair transplantation have

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superceded other previous methods is due to the application of that vision. We tested and applied our method and now it has become the standard by which care is provided worldwide. We are very proud of our technical and surgical advancements, but we are equally proud of our artistry. While many people might be able to invent and develop a tool, how many people become so proficient with it as to be called artists? The first computers were little more than calculators by today's standards. Now, on most every desktop there is enormous power available. Yet, how many people use the machine to its fullest potential? How many explore beyond the basic needs of their job title?


When we design your hairline, it will restore the natural symmetry of your facial features. We have studied the face and its structure from a classical standpoint. Leonardo da Vinci and other Renaissance artists knew the secrets of the face and these same ideas can be applied today using advanced computational abilities. We know now how to measure, model and create detailed structural maps of the face which are unique to the individual. Photographic systems integrated with computer graphic analysis programs can do hours of work in moments. What artists used to do visually and with pincers to create sculpture we can do in seconds, in greater detail and with overwhelming accuracy. Hair Transplant Institute IDEALS For example, let's trace the determination of a proper hairline. For a man who does not have hair loss genes active, at puberty, the male hormone level increases and starts affecting baby hairs at the hairline. This natural recession is normal and is not continual to baldness. As the individual reaches his late 20s, his hairline, with gentle temporal recession,

looks graceful and manly. The forehead and bones of the face have long completed their growth and settled into fixed position for life. After this time, there is a negligible change in the hairline for the remainder of his life. This natural development leads to the Mature Hairline. In designing your particular hairline, our goal is to achieve that natural hairline. One that matches your individual facial features, regardless of age. This is the hairline you would have had if your body did not have a gene promoting hair loss. Even when a patient has extreme baldness and a minimal donor area we do not compromise on the hairline. Our goal must be to restore symmetry, harmony and proportion to the face using a Mature Hairline. It will stand the test of time and will look good for life. A vast study of the facial proportions of different races has enabled H. T. I. Islamabad to establish certain principles for creating the hairline. For example, the eyebrows to chin distance of almost every person varies from 13 to 15 centimeters. We measure this distance to place the hairline. If an individual measures 14 centimeters from eyebrows to chin, we place the hairline at least 7 centimeters up from the eyebrows. This gives us very accurate placement taking into account factors of age and other facial proportions.

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